Contact Us

We will get back to you as soon as possible if you leave an email address.
For answers to common questions, please check the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

If you have an issue with, by all means let us know.

If you have requested help and have not gotten an answer, please check your email address, check the account's junk mail, or try to contact us with a different email address. We are generally quick in responding. Rarely longer than 24 hours and commonly within hours.

As tu une vrai Email? As tu suffisament d'espace pour un Email?
Si tu n'as pas recu un Email de, envoi toi un Email pour voir si ca marche.

Your EmailPlease describe your problem:
Administrator's Email ***
Login (what do you think it is?)
Password (what do you think it is?)
I am looking for the Pool Login ID
Please email the password
to the Administrator
Please enter the 6 letters / numbers
you see in the image
*** Your Administrator's Email address is the best thing you can enter into this form, it will help us find info about your pool more than anything else. (C'est la meilleur information que tu peut nous donner.)

NOTE: We will only EVER send the Administrator Password to the administrator email address registered in the pool. No matter how good your story is. Really. No need to ask. So keep your email address up to date.

We want to make your Hockey Pool, THE Hockey Pool

COPYRIGHT © 1996-2025 (Contact Us) TheHockeyPool