Empty Net and Shootout Goals

Due to poplular demand, we have begun tracking these statistics and pools can now award points for ALL Shootout Goals, and Shootout Misses (not just shootout winners). Additionally, we've added Empty Net Goals, Assists, and Empty Net +/-.

Shootout Goals, Misses and Winners

For shootouts, you can now score all shootout goals, misses, and game winners. Note that the shootout winning goal will also be counted as a plain shootout goal, but is a separate stats category so that you can award, say, 1 point for any shootout goal, and an extra point for a shootout winning goal, so that the winner is worth 2 points.

So, for example, if the shooters for the Devils were Parenteau (scored), Josefson (saved), Hall (scored winner), then the points awarded will be:
  • Parenteau, 1 Shootout Goal
  • Josefson, 1 Shootout Miss
  • Hall, 1 Shootout Goal, and 1 Shootout Winning Goal

Empty Net Goals, Assists, and EN+/-

We have had some folks ask about tracking Empty Net Goals, Assists, and +/- separately as well. They find empty net goals to be one of the most meaningless points. They would like to eliminate the point any player gets for a goal or assist on an empty net goal, as well as +/- since a minus for being on during an empty net goal does not seem to be a well-deserved minus.

EN goals are now tracked as a separate statistic, along with who assisted and was on the ice at the time, enbabling pools to customize these stats to be eliminated with bonus/penality points. In order to invalidate EN points, you can set these three scoring values to -1.

These stats have been added to the Customize Scoring page waaaaaaay over to the right, so scroll on over to set them if these are meaningful in your pool.
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